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  • Skribentens bildLisa Löfberg

My First Few Weeks as an Au Pair

Uppdaterat: 28 sep. 2018

Hello! As you might know from my previous post I left Sweden on the 10th to be an au pair in Milan, Italy. A decision I still feel happy about making. It's been about 2,5 weeks since coming here, and I've had a lot of up and downs. Not a lot of deep downs, but a few downs. One of them has definitely been my Wi-Fi connection, or rather, the lack off - and therefore there haven't been any posts. I've tried to upload pictures but it just haven't been working, and what fun is it reading a blog without pictures? Not that much! Anyways, I've tried to write three posts since getting here, and I'd like to share two of them in this post.

Monday, September 17th:

"My First Week as an Au Pair

Hello & Wow! Already a week as an au pair has gone by and I have so much to tell and show, but I'll try to keep it short. On Monday at lunch time I began my journey to Milan. After a few delays I arrived to the Malpensa airport at midnight, took the train to Milan and got picked up by car in the middle of the night. I got driven to the place where I now live, the granparents' house, a 3 minute walk away from the family I work for. I like it for the most parts, all though, sometimes it gets a bit complicated when I need to talk to them.

Paris Airport

On Tuesday I woke up pretty early and got thrown in to work and information about it all. The family was really welcoming and the kids were so excited I could see it in their eyes. I learned the work pretty quickly and although I have work that I have yet to learn, there is no doubt in my mind that I can't handle it.

On Friday my host mom told me we were going to their house on the country side for the weekend. I spent the weekend with them in their beautiful mansion, the restaurant next to it and the swimming pool. On Sunday we went back to Milan again and so the next week began!"

Wednesday, September 19:

"Wednesday Spree


It's Wednesday and today I have had a lot of time to myself. I always take the two-yearold for three hours in the morning for a walk to and from the park where she plays on the playground for two hours then get back to the house to feed her and but her to a nap. Then I am supposed to have a few hours until the five-yearold finishes school, to pick him up, play with the kids, bath them, feed them dinner and put them to bed. But both yesterday and today I've gotten a few hours for myself, just because the host mom needs me more during this weekend. So yesterday I went to the Duomo, had gelato, did some light shopping and did the laundry. Today I went shopping for some nice things to my room, sun shades (since I broke mine by sitting on them) and notebooks and pens for my italian course next week. Then I might have done a little spree when I bought a scarf in one of the stores, just because I thought I deserved it. I thought about buying more, but then shopping is so much fun to do an entire day, so I'm saving my money."


Since writing these posts I've worked a lot (one of my host kids recently turned six, so there were preparations for both of his parties), done laundry, gone partying, got an italian phone number, met two people (one of which I'll definitely will be hanging out with again!!), had gelato three times, eaten both italian and spanish cusine (my host family is IT-SPA) and started my Italian course. The course was so hard, but I definitely think I'll learn.

Due to the world's slowest Wi-Fi the pictures will come when they do (Update: all pictures are up!). But now I'm off working!

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